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의학의 역사 Timeline of medicine and medical technology

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작성자 canada
댓글 0건 조회 184회 작성일 23-01-25 18:47


의학 - 나무위키
의학 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
기원전 280년 경 고대 그리스에서 편찬된 히포크라테스의 《히포크라테스 전서》와 중국의 춘추·전국 시기에 집대성 된 《황제내경》에 의해 질병을 보다 객관적으로 다루고 치료법을 찾는 합리적인 의학이 출발하였다.
Timeline of medicine and medical technology
History of Medicine Timeline
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4379645/ Rachel Hajar, M.D.  Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer

2600 BC The Egyptian Imhotep describes the diagnosis and treatment of 200 diseases

500 BC Alcmaeon of Croton distinguished veins from arteries

460 BC Birth of Hippocrates, the Greek father of medicine begins the scientific study of medicine and prescribes a form of aspirin

300 BC Diocles wrote the first known anatomy book

280 BC Herophilus studies the nervous system

130 AD Birth of Galen. Greek physician to gladiators and Roman emperors

c60AD Pedanius Dioscorides writes De Materia Medica

910 Persian physician Rhazes identifies smallpox

1010 Avicenna writes The Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine

1249 Roger Bacon invents spectacles

1489 Leonardo da Vinci dissects corpses

1543 Vesalius publishes findings on human anatomy in De Fabrica Corporis Humani

1590 Zacharius Jannssen invents the microscope

1628 William Harvey publishes An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals which forms the basis for future research on blood vessels, arteries and the heart

1656 Sir Christopher Wren experiments with canine blood transfusions

1670 Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers blood cells

1683 Anton van Leeuwenhoek observes bacteria

1701 Giacomo Pylarini gives the first smallpox inoculations

1747 James Lind publishes his Treatise of the Scurvy stating that citrus fruits prevent scurvy

1763 Claudius Aymand performs the first successful appendectomy

1796 Edward Jenner develops the process of vaccination for smallpox, the first vaccines for any disease

1800 Sir Humphry Davy discovers the anesthetics properties of nitrous oxide

1816 Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope

1818 James Blundell performs the first successful transfusion of human blood

1842 Crawford W. Long uses either as a general anesthetic

1844 Dr. Horace Wells uses nitrous oxide as an anesthetic

1846 William Morton, a dentist, is the first to publish the process of using anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide

1849 Elizabeth Blackwell is the first woman to gain a medical degree from Geneva Medical College in New York

1847 Ignaz Semmelweis discovers how to prevent the transmission of puerperal fever

1853 Charles Gabriel Pravaz and Alexander Wood develop the syringe

1857 Louis Pasteur identifies germs as clause of disease

1867 Joseph Lister develops the use of antiseptic surgical methods and publishes Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery

1870 Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur establish the germ theory of disease

1879 First vaccine developed for cholera

1881 First vaccine developed for anthrax by Louis Pasteur

1882 First vaccine for developed for rabies by Louis Pasteur

Koch discovers the TB bacillus

1887 First contact lenses developed

1890 Emil von Behring discovers antitoxins and develops tetanus and diphtheria vaccines

1895 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers X-rays

1896 First vaccine developed for typhoid fever

1897 First vaccine developed for Bubonic plague

1899 Felix Hoffman develops aspirin

1901 Karl Landsteiner introduces the system to classify blood into A, B, AB, and O groups

1913 Dr. Paul Dudley White pioneers the use of the electrocardiograph - ECG

1921 Edward Mellanby discovers that lack of vitamin D in the diet causes rickets

Earle Dickson invented the Band-Aid

1922 Insulin first used to treat diabetes

1923 First vaccine developed for diphtheria

1926 First vaccine developed for whooping cough

1927 First vaccine developed for tuberculosis

First vaccine developed for tetanus

1928 Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin

1935 First vaccine developed for yellow fever

Percy Lavon Julian synthesized the medicines physostigmine for glaucoma and cortisone for rheumatoid arthritis

1937 First vaccine developed for typhus

Bernard Fantus pioneers the use of the first blood bank in Chicago

1942 Doctor Karl Theodore Dussik publishes the first paper on medical ultrasonic - ultrasound

1943 Selman A. Waksman discovers the antibiotic streptomycin

1945 First vaccine developed for influenza

1950 John Hopps invented the first cardiac pacemaker

1952 Paul Zoll develops the first cardiac pacemaker

Jonas Salk develops the first polio vaccine

Rosalind Franklin uses X-ray diffraction to study the structure of DNA

1953 James Watson and Francis Crick work on the structure of the DNA molecule

1954 Gertrude Elion patented a leukemia-fighting drug

Dr. Joseph E. Murray performs the first kidney transplant

1955 Jonas Salk develops the first polio vaccine

1963 Thomas Fogarty invented the balloon embolectomy catheter

1964 First vaccine developed for measles

1967 First vaccine developed for mumps

Dr. Christian Bernard performs the first human heart transplant

1970 First vaccine developed for rubella

1974 First vaccine developed for chicken pox

1975 Robert S. Ledley invents CAT-Scans

1977 First vaccine developed for pneumonia

1978 First test-tube baby is born

First vaccine developed for meningitis

1980 Smallpox is eradicated

1981 First vaccine developed for hepatitis B

1983 HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is identified

1984 Alec Jeffreys devises a genetic fingerprinting method

1985 Willem J. Kolff invented the artificial kidney dialysis machine

1992 First vaccine developed for hepatitis A

1996 Dolly the sheep becomes the first clone

2006 First vaccine to target a cause of cancer

Source: http://www.datesandevents.org/events-timelines/10-history-of-medicine-timeline.htm


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