***철분 *** 황산 제1철(Ferrous sulfate)과 푸마르산 철(Ferrous fumarate) > bacteria virus /감기/ 항생제 박테리아 바이러스

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bacteria virus /감기/ 항생제 박테리아 바이러스

***철분 *** 황산 제1철(Ferrous sulfate)과 푸마르산 철(Ferrous fumarate)

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작성자 canada
댓글 0건 조회 307회 작성일 23-09-06 09:51


가장 보편적인 철분 보충제의 형태는 황산 제1철(Ferrous sulfate)과 푸마르산 철(Ferrous fumarate)입니다.Aug 29, 2018

철분에 대한 빠른 가이드 | iHerb 블로그

철 결핍 예방 위한 똑똑한 철분 보충제 활용법
최소 1일 30mg 함량, 흡수율 등 개선 제품 선택하기
김정일 기자 │ jikim@yakup.com 뉴스 뷰 페이지 검색 버튼
입력 2020-03-06 06:00  수정 2020.03.09 13:52
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뉴스 뷰 페이지 옵션 버튼

두릅, 냉이, 쑥, 미나리, 달래, 무청. 이 채소들의 공통점은 무엇일까? 봄나물이라거나향이 좋은 나물은 아니다. 우리가 섭취하는 식품 중 비교적 철분 함량이 높은 채소다.

2016년 발간된 제 9개정 국가표준식품성분표에 따르면, 각 식품 100g당 철분의 함량은 두릅(생것) 8mg, 냉이(데친 것) 9.74mg, 쑥(데친 것) 1.57mg, 미나리(생것) 2mg, 달래(생것) 3.51mg, 무청(생것) 11.5mg으로 한우 등심(구운것) 100g에 2.92mg의 철분이 함유된 것과 비교하면 꽤 높은 함량이다.

그러나 채소에 함유된 철분은 비헴철로 흡수율이 10% 이하로 낮고 소고기 같은 동물성 식품에 함유된 철분은 헴철로 흡수율이 30% 정도로 높아 더 효율적인 철분 급원으로 본다. 특히 채소류에 많은 옥살산이나 쌀과 같은 곡류에 풍부한 피틴산이 철분의 흡수를 방해하므로, 한국인 식단의 특성상 어린이 및 노인, 여성은 평소 충분한 동물성 식품을 섭취하지 않으면 철 결핍 발생 위험이 높다. 그런데, 헴철과 비헴철이 뭘까?

철은 온 몸 구석구석 산소를 전달하는 적혈구의 헤모글로빈 합성에 필수적이나, 흡수율이 매우 낮다. 낮은 흡수율은 철분 특유의 이취로 인한 위장장애 및 변비로 이어져 사람들이 철분 보충제 섭취를 중단하는 대표적 이유로 손꼽힌다. 그래서 다양한 방식으로 철분 흡수율을 개선해 철 결핍 예방 및 치료를 위한 노력이 이어져 왔다.

헤모글로빈은 아래 그림과 같이 단백질 4개가 모인 복합체로, 각각의 단백질은 ‘헴(heme/헤모글로빈의 색소부분)’과 결합돼 있다. 그리고 헴(heme)안에 철분이 들어있다. 산소는 헴(heme)의 철분에 결합해 적혈구를 타고 전신의 세포로 이동한다. 그래서 철분이 부족하면 우리 몸의 산소 전달 능력이 감소해 피로, 두통, 손발 저림을 비롯해 면역력 및 만성질환 악화까지 이어진다.

우리가 섭취한 철분은 소장에서 철이 이동하는 특수 통로(DMT-1)로 흡수되는 데, 헴철은 이 통로 대신 헴철만 다니는 특별한 통로로 흡수되는 것으로 알려져 있다.

일반 철분이 순서대로 통로를 지나느라 흡수율이 낮다면, 헴철은 VIP처럼 이동해 흡수율이 높은 것이다. 이 때, 헴과 결합하지 않은 일반 철분을 헴철과 구분해 ‘비헴철’이라고 한다. 그리고 비헴철의 낮은 흡수율로 체내로 이동하지 못한 철이 소장을 넘어 대장으로 이동하는 게 변비의 주요 원인으로 본다.

일반의약품 혹은 건강기능식품 같은 철분 보충제의 헴철과 비헴철의 흡수율 논쟁은 큰 의미가 없다. 보충제의 철분은 식물성 식품처럼 옥살산, 피틴산 같은 방해요소가 없고 헴철과 다르지만 특수 구조로 철을 감싸거나 물질을 합쳐 흡수율을 개선해 만들기 때문이다.

그래서 보충제를 선택할 때는 헴철/비헴철 보다 제품 섭취 후 변비나 위장장애 같은 불편 증상을 개선한 구조인지, 제품에 함유된 철분의 함량이 철 결핍 증상을 개선할 수 있는 충분한 함량인지, 인체적용시험으로 효능이 입증된 원료인지 등을 확인하는 게 좋다.

철분 보충제는 흡수율을 높이기 위해 철을 특수 구조로 감싸 일반 철분 이동통로 대신 장세포를 직접 투과해 이동하는 방식을 많이 활용한다. 인지질막으로 철분을 감싼 리포솜 구조나 건강한 말의 비장에서 저장철 형태로 분리한 페리친성철, 임신부 빈혈 치료용으로 많이 처방되는 철-아세틸트랜스페린 등이 그 예다. 이들은 모두 비헴철로 분류되지만 DMT-1을 이동통로로 활용하지 않아 변비나 위장장애가 거의 없다.

헴철도 흡수율이 높아 위장장애가 적으나, 헴철 보충제는 구조 특성상 하루 섭취량에 함유된 철이 12mg 이하로 흡수율을 고려해도 절대적 철 함량이 낮아 철 결핍 증상 개선에 아쉽다는 평가도 있다.

최근 해외 원료 박람회 등에서 새롭게 소개된 ‘수크로솜화 철(Sucrosomial Iron)’은 흡수율을 개선한 구조적 특성을 기반으로 다수의 인체적용시험을 가진 차세대 철 보충제로 주목받고 있다.

‘수크로솜화 철’은 일반적인 리포솜 구조가 위산이나 소화효소에 분해되는 약점을 강화제와 코팅기술로 개선한 미세캡슐로 감싼 철분이다. 즉, 철분이 ‘수크로솜’이라고 부르는 특수 미세캡슐구조에 쌓여 흡수율을 높이고 이취를 개선해 ‘수크로솜화 철’의 구조에 대해 유럽 특허(특허번호 EP 2879667)도 획득한 프리미엄 철로 주목받고 있다.

철 결핍은 적절한 철분제로 치료 시 약 2~3일 후 피로, 두통 등 가벼운 불편 증상이 완화되고 2주 정도 지나면 혈중 헤모글로빈 수치가 상승한다.

체내에 저장돼 건강을 유지하기 위한 철분의 양을 고려하면, 최소 3~4개월 섭취를 권한다. 이 때 권장되는 철분의 양은 하루 최소 30mg 이상이다. 철 결핍이 심화돼 철 결핍 빈혈 진단을 받으면 철로서 40~160mg까지 처방되므로, 빈혈 진단 점 철 결핍을 개선하기 위해 30mg는 꼭 체크해 봐야 한다.
철 결핍성 빈혈은 하루아침에 생기지 않는다


Iron is critical to human life. It plays the central role in the hemoglobin molecule of red blood cells (RBC) where it functions in transporting oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and the transportation of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Iron also functions in several key enzymes in energy production and metabolism including DNA synthesis.

Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the United States. The groups at highest risk for iron deficiency are infants under two years of age, teenage girls, pregnant women, and the elderly. Studies have found evidence of iron deficiency in as high as 30-50% of people in these groups.

Iron deficiency may be due to an increased iron requirement, decreased dietary intake, diminished iron absorption or utilization, blood loss, or a combination of factors. Increased requirements for iron occur during the growth spurts of infancy and adolescents and during pregnancy and lactation. Currently, the vast majority of pregnant women are routinely given iron supplements during their pregnancy as the dramatically increased need for iron during pregnancy cannot usually be met through diet alone.

Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia (deficiency of red blood cells), however, it must be pointed out that anemia is the last stage of iron deficiency. Iron-dependent enzymes involved in energy production and metabolism are the first to be affected by low iron levels. Serum ferritin is the best laboratory test for determining body iron stores.

Even marginal iron deficiency can significantly impair immune function. Iron deficiency greatly reduces the immune system ability to fight off infection. Common findings in iron-deficient individuals are increased rate of infections, lymphatic tissue shrinkage, altered white blood cell concentrations, and defective white blood cell function. Iron deficiency may be the responsible factor in many individuals suffering from impaired immune function, chronic infections, and frequent colds.

Iron deficiency is also associated with markedly decreased attentiveness; less complex or purposeful, narrower attention span; decreased persistence; and decreased voluntary activity. Fortunately, with iron supplementation there is a return to normal mental function.

In regards to energy levels, several researchers have clearly demonstrated that even a slight iron-deficiency leads to a reduction in physical work capacity and productivity.

Nutrition surveys done in the U.S. have indicated that iron-deficiency is a major impairment of health and work capacity and as a consequence of this an economic loss to the individual and the country. Supplementation with iron has shown rapid improvements in work capacity in iron-deficient individuals. Impaired physical performance due to iron deficiency is not dependent on anemia. Again, the iron-dependent enzymes involved in energy production and metabolism will be impaired long before anemia occurs.

Iron is Important for Menstruating Women
Women typically lose 40 to 80 ml of blood per period. Heavier periods are definitely associated with negative iron balance in most cases. Negative iron balance means that more blood is lost than is being absorbed from the diet.

Menstrual blood loss is well recognized as a major cause of iron deficiency anemia in fertile women. However, what is not as well known that chronic iron deficiency can be a cause of excessive menstrual blood loss a condition known as menorrhagia. It has been suggested that iron deficiency leads to menorrhagia based on several observations with the most important being that iron supplementation often produces a dramatic decrease in menstrual blood loss. In one double-blind placebo-controlled study 75% of those on iron supplementation had significant reduction of menorrhagia compared with only 32.5% for the placebo group.

Iron supplementation, at a daily dose of 100 mg elemental iron, has been recommended as a preventive therapy by several researchers, since it appears that chronic iron deficiency may promote menorrhagia, and iron-containing enzymes in the uterus are depleted before changes in red blood cell numbers or hemoglobin are observed.

Iron is Critical During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, the requirement for iron increases dramatically due to iron contributions to the fetus, placenta, and umbilical cord coupled with an increase in red cell mass in the mother. Iron loss in the urine, sweat and feces is also increased. Subsequently, anemia due to iron deficiency is extremely common in pregnancy. For these reasons the recommended daily intake of iron during pregnancy is 60 mg. Since this typically cannot be achieved by dietary means supplementation is required.

The need for additional iron is not over when the baby is delivered. Typically the mother will lose approximately 150 to 300 mg. of iron due to hemorrhage and blood loss during delivery. In addition, lactation causes an additional drain of iron stores. For these reasons it is important for women to continue to take iron supplements throughout their pregnancy and nursing period.

Iron is Required for Proper Immune Function
Even marginal iron deficiency can significantly impair immune function. Iron deficiency greatly reduces the immune system ability to fight off infection. Common findings in iron-deficient individuals are increased rate of infections, lymphatic tissue shrinkage, altered white blood cell concentrations, and defective white blood cell function. Iron deficiency may be the responsible factor in many individuals suffering from impaired immune function, chronic infections, and frequent colds.

Low Iron Levels Equal Low Energy Level
Several researchers have clearly demonstrated that even a slight iron-deficiency leads to a reduction in physical work capacity and productivity. Nutrition surveys done in the U.S. have indicated that iron-deficiency is a major impairment of health and work capacity and as a consequence of this an economic loss to the individual and the country. Supplementation with iron has shown rapid improvements in work capacity in iron-deficient individuals. Impaired physical performance due to iron deficiency is not dependent on anemia. Again, the iron-dependent enzymes involved in energy production and metabolism will be impaired long before anemia occurs.

Iron is Critical for Brain Function
Virtually any nutrient deficiency can result in impaired brain function, especially in children. Since iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in American children, it is the most important nutritional cause of learning disability. Iron deficiency is associated with markedly decreased attentiveness; less complex or purposeful, narrower attention span; decreased persistence; and decreased voluntary activity. Fortunately, with iron supplementation there is a return to normal mental function.

Iron Supplementation Improves Restless Legs Syndrome
Low serum iron or ferritin levels have been found in patients with the so-called "restless legs syndrome" (RLS) – the syndrome characterized by an irresistible urge to move the legs. In individuals with RLS and low serum ferritin levels, iron supplementation has been shown to significantly improve RLS.

Usual Dosage
The most popular iron supplements are ferrous sulfate and ferrous fumarate. However, the best forms appear to be ferric pyrophosphate and ferrous bisglycinate. Both are free from gastrointestinal side effects with a higher relative bioavailability especially if taken on an empty stomach.

For iron deficiency, the usual recommendation is 30 mg of iron twice daily between meals. If this recommendation results in abdominal discomfort, take 30 mg with meals three times daily.

Side Effects
The most common side effects are mild gastrointestinal irritation, constipation or diarrhea, and nausea. These are most often seen with ferrous sulfate or fumarate. Ferric pyrophosphate and ferrous bisglycinate are better tolerated.

Recent studies have suggested the possible role of elevated iron levels and the risk for heart attacks. Elevated levels of iron in the blood may lead to an increased risk of heart disease by spinning off free radicals in the blood and either damaging cholesterol or the artery walls directly. For these reasons, many experts believe that it is best to reserve iron supplementation to cases of iron deficiency, menstruating women, and during pregnancy and lactation.

Drug Interactions
Anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen may contribute to iron loss via gastrointestinal bleeding.

What Is the Alkaline Diet?

https://kr.iherb.com › blog › a-quick-guide-to-iron
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Ferrous fumarate Editor's Pick
Ferrous fumarate is a type of iron. You normally get iron from the foods you eat. In your body, iron becomes a part of your hemoglobin (HEEM o glo bin) and myoglobin (MY o glo bin). Hemoglobin carries oxygen through your blood to tissues and organs. Myoglobin helps your muscle cells store oxygen. Ferrous...

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Ferrous Fumarate Professional Information (A-Z Drug Facts)
A-Z Drug Facts (Professional Patient Advice)
Pronunciation (FER us FYOO ma rate) Index Terms Ferro-SequelsIron Fumarate Dosage Forms Excipient information presented when available (limited, particularly for generics); consult specific product labeling.Tablet, Oral: Ferretts: 325 mg (106 mg elemental iron) [scored]Ferrimin 150: Elemental iron 150...

Ferrous fumarate results from the Pill Identifier
Pill B181 Green Round is FerrocitePill RD 13 Brown Oval is Nephro-Fer
Ferrous fumarate Interactions
Drug Interactions (Cerner Multum)
Ferrous fumarate Interactions There are 86 drugs known to interact with ferrous fumarate , along with3 disease interactions, and1 alcohol/food interaction.Of the total drug interactions,3 are major, 75 are moderate, and8 are minor. Does ferrous fumarate interact with my other drugs? Enter other...

News for ferrous fumarate
Forty Percent of U.S. Girls, Young Women Are Iron Deficient 28 Jun, 2023
Repeat Blood Donation Won't Harm Your Health 12 Sep, 2022
Ferrous Fumarate Controlled-Release Tablets Information Consumer Information
Consumer Information (Drugs.com)
Ferrous Fumarate Controlled-Release Tablets Generic name: Ferrous Fumarate Controlled-Release Tablets [  FER-us-FUE-ma-rate  ] Drug class: Iron products Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. Last updated on Jul 17, 2023. Uses Before taking Warnings Dosage Side effects Overdose Uses of Ferrous...

Ferrous Fumarate Tablets and Capsules Information Consumer Information
Consumer Information (Drugs.com)
Ferrous Fumarate Tablets and Capsules Generic name: Ferrous Fumarate Tablets and Capsules [  FER-us-FUE-ma-rate  ] Brand names: Ferretts, Hemocyte Drug class: Iron products Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. Last updated on May 13, 2023. Uses Before taking Warnings Dosage Side effects...

Ferrous Fumarate and Polysaccharide Iron Complex Consumer Information
Consumer Information (Drugs.com)
Ferrous Fumarate and Polysaccharide Iron Complex Generic name: Ferrous Fumarate and Polysaccharide Iron Complex [  FER-us-FYOO-ma-rate-and-pol-i-SAK-a-ride-EYE-ern-KOM-pleks  ] Brand name: Tandem Drug class: Iron products Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. Last updated on Mar 15, 2023. Uses...

Ethinyl Estradiol, Norethindrone, and Ferrous Fumarate Consumer Information
Consumer Information (Drugs.com)
Ethinyl Estradiol, Norethindrone, and Ferrous Fumarate Generic name: Ethinyl Estradiol, Norethindrone, and Ferrous Fumarate [  ETH-in-il-es-tra-DYE-ole, nor-eth-IN-drone, & FER-uhs-FYOO-mar-rate  ] Brand names: Blisovi 24 Fe , Blisovi Fe 1.5 / 30 , Blisovi Fe 1 / 20 , Estrostep Fe , Gildess...

Ferrous fumarate Disease Interactions
Disease interactions (Cerner Multum)
Ferrous fumarate Disease Interactions There are 3 disease interactions with ferrous fumarate. Major Ferrous salts (applies to ferrous fumarate) hemoglobin abnormalities Major Potential Hazard, High plausibility. Applicable conditions: Hemoglobinopathy, Blood Transfusion There is no excretory...

Docusate / ferrous fumarate Interactions
Drug Interactions (Cerner Multum)
Docusate / ferrous fumarate Interactions There are 90 drugs known to interact with docusate / ferrous fumarate , along with5 disease interactions, and1 alcohol / food interaction.Of the total drug interactions,3 are major, 78 are moderate, and9 are minor. Does docusate / ferrous fumarate interact with my...

Ferrous fumarate - brand name list
Drug Ingredients (Drugs.com)
Ferrous fumarate (Ingredient) Chemical formula: C4H2FeO4 Drugbank ID: DB14491 ATC codes: B03AD02, B03AA02 The information below refers to products available in the United States that contain ferrous fumarate . Products containing ferrous fumarate ferrous fumarate systemic Brand names: Iron Fumarate...

See also
Anemia Associated with Chronic Renal Failure
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency
Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation during Pregnancy/Lactation


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